Terziano bids goodbye to council

Terziano bids goodbye to council

Posted: 2022-11-08 13:34:43 By: thebay

Monday’s Huntsville Town Council meeting was the last council meeting for Mayor Terziano.

Terziano thanked all staff at the Town from the CAO, Directors,  to the front line staff. The mayor added a special thanks to the clerks in IT who handled Zoom meetings for over 2 years during the pandemic.

The Mayor said that the clerks are the engines that keep the town running.

Mayor Terziano also thanked Councillors Withey and Wiebe who will not be returning and have given the town 8 years of service each.

 Council enjoyed cake presented to them by staff before going into closed session.

On December 1st the new council and mayor will take over.