Speed Limits Concern Bracebridge Councilors

Speed Limits Concern Bracebridge Councilors

Posted: 2020-05-25 07:29:09 By: thebay

The Town of Bracebridge plans to conduct a thorough examination of traffic calming across town. However, it was a trio of rural roads that drew the lion’s share of attention during the latest Bracebridge General Committee meeting.

Coun. Barb McMurray spoke to a complaint from the Wood Lake Cottagers Association about Milne, Fox Point  and Caribou roads.

McMurray said Foxpoint Road has a posted speed limit of 40 km/hr but it was still too fast. She said due to the narrowness of the road, people were forced to dive into ditches or run for the nearest driveway whenever a car was coming. She recommended 20 km/hr should be the speed limit.

Coun. Mark Quemby said he was opposed to any further reduction of the speed limit, saying the standard for most places in town was 50 km/hr. He said many rural roads were too narrow and winding to go any faster than 50 km/hr.  He added that without speed traps and enforcement in those rural areas, it really didn’t matter much what the speed limit is.

Staff is expected to return with general recommendations on traffic calming measures for all parts of Bracebridge.