Ontario Works & Other Employment Services To Be Managed Out Of Peterborough

Ontario Works & Other Employment Services To Be Managed Out Of Peterborough

Posted: 2020-02-26 07:49:29 By: hbr

Sweeping provincial changes to the Ontario Works program have left the District of Muskoka with many questions on what the program will look like going forward.

Last week the provincial government announced they are switching to, what they call a "locally-focused model" that will create a more "seamless and effective" employment service system.

This new prototype model was launched in Hamilton-Niagara, Peel, and the Muskoka-Kawarthas region. According to the province, the switch will streamline employment services previously offered separately by Ontario Works, the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Employment Ontario.

The District applied to be a service manager of the local system but lost to Sir Sandford Fleming College, which is based out of Peterborough. 

District staff told the council that while it’s clear Muskoka won't be involved in employment delivery, very little else is known about what the move means for the future of Ontario Works in Muskoka.

While the move is likely to have an impact on employment services organizations in Muskoka like Agliec, YMCA Employment Services and Employment North, District staff said they have no idea what that impact will be.

Micheal Dubben, the District CAO, told council that there’s been a lot of concern across Ontario’s municipalities since the provincial government decided to skip the typical pilot process and go straight to introducing the new system.   There is also concern that Fleming is located in Peterborough and has no real connection to the Muskoka area.