Huntsville working on pedestrian access along highway 60 and Fairyview Drive
Huntsville staff announced safe options are under consideration for pedestrian access on Highway 60, in the September 27th General meeting.
Director of Operations and Protective Services, Tarmo Uukkivi, advised that a review for pedestrian access along the Highway 60 north corridor is under review by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), and they will receive recommendations once it is complete.
According to Uukkivi’s report, the review will determine the measures required for both traffic and pedestrian safety.
The report adds, “The MTO is willing to work with the Town of Huntsville in development options for sidewalks along Highway 60 within the Town.” Safety measures would include sidewalks being “a safe distance from the travelled part of Highway 60.”
In the meantime, staff will consult with property owners along Highway 60 to get feedback about connecting a pedestrian path from the highway to Fairyview Drive.
Other initiatives of the Town include plowing along a walkway that connects Helen Street with Coveside Drive as a safe means for pedestrians from north of Highway 60, establishing a new bus stop on Fairyview Drive near the highway (at Laketree) to get downtown, and investigating sidewalk options near Earl’s Road, Chaffey Township Road, Highview and Fairyview.
Also, the Town’s Official Plan includes considerations for sidewalks and trails for pedestrians with all upcoming development.
Councillor, Bob Stone, inquired about whether staff will be engaging with the Highway 60 property owners before winter.
Uukkivi advised, “The Communications Department will make these connections.”
Mayor, Nancy Alcock, suggested bringing the meeting minutes to the Planning Council to help move things along. She added, “Let’s work on that – a solution around that.”
Alcock indicated that dealing with the MTO can take time, whereas connecting with the highway residents is a more short-term solution, and they “want something this winter…don’t want people walking along Highway 60.”
She also mentioned to Uukkivi that the road lines need to be replaced, along with the button on one side of the crosswalk in that area.
Uukkivi indicated that he’s in contact regularly with the MTO’s customer service representative and “can take care of it.”
Councillor, Cory Clarke, emphasized the importance of safety. He said, “I’m optimistic that hopefully we will be able to come to a solution before the snow flies. It’s a safety issue and concern, and we want to solve it as best and quickly as we can.”
Staff will continue to consider current development options and improvements in the transit system, and they will present the MTO recommendations once they receive them in a future meeting.