Huntsville Plans To Spend $30,000 On Communication For Streetscape Project

Huntsville Plans To Spend $30,000 On Communication For Streetscape Project

Posted: 2020-11-24 08:29:59 By: thebay

Yesterday, Huntsville town councilors received a report on Communications and Marketing for the upcoming Streetscape project in Huntsville in 2021.

Staff recommended that the Town support the inclusion of $30,000 in the draft Municipal Accommodation Tax budget for signage and marketing related to the project, and that staff proceed with a Streetscape project brand to be funded from the Marketing Design account.

The goals of the Communication and Marketing plan would be to maintain positive relationships between the public and The District of Muskoka, the Town of Huntsville and the Huntsville BIA. The plan would increase awareness of the construction and access routes to the downtown core, increase public knowledge of parking locations and attract residents and tourists to the downtown businesses.  

The report also recommended that they be directed to  enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Huntsville Legion to utilize and promote the Legion lot for public parking from May 1st to Oct 31st in 2021 and 2022.

Council approved the motion.