Huntsville approves new logo design

Huntsville approves new logo design

Posted: 2023-02-01 07:17:16 By: thebay

Council approved the new community brand logo design, in the Huntsville meeting on January 30, 2023.

The new design that was initially presented for direction last July, was created by TWG Communications, and was developed for tourism and economic development initiatives.

Town engagement about the design included stakeholders, such as the BIA, HMATA, Chamber, staff, and Council, and received 300 community survey responses.

According to Economic Development Officer, Laura McDermid, “The new brand was created to reflect contemporary realities of a community with rich history, sensitivity for the past, reflection of its competent pursuit, and a clear vision for the future.”

The new brand will be a companion to the existing municipal brand, which will continue to be used as well.

McDermid indicates the uses for the new brand will “include economic development, citizen and investment attention and attraction, tourism and wayfinding.” She adds the look and feel reflect the environment and history of a welcoming community that is “passionate, contemporary, playful, aspirational, and forward focused.”

One of the samples of the brand design is a diamond triangle motif, with four primary colours of in it that are meant to reflect the natural environment of the area. For instance, green reflects spring and summer, red reflects fall, and blue represents the sky and water for summer and winter.

The pattern on the diamond triangle motif is designed to symbolize the iconic downtown swing and can appear in a variety of images.

McDermid adds, “One brand helps to unify and strengthen Huntsville as a tourist destination…and tells the same story and builds brand equity and recognition.”

Councillors concurred they liked it better seeing it this time than last year when it was presented.

Councillor, Bob Stone, said, “It’s fun and functional,” and inquired whether private organizations such as resorts would be able to use the logo.

McDermid indicated that sharing the logo is “something we would be able to collaborate on,” however, it would have to be consistent with Town guidelines.

Councillor, Cory Clarke, added, “I’m glad to see we’re still maintaining some of the original Town logo. There’s something to be said about maintaining our history. I’m all for embracing the future but I’m glad to see that we’re maintaining some of the history of the past in logos as well.”