Gravenhurst seeking provincial reimbursement for the recent winter storm event

Gravenhurst seeking provincial reimbursement for the recent winter storm event

Posted: 2025-03-19 07:23:15 By: thebay

Gravenhurst Council agreed to submit a reimbursement claim to the province for the recent winter storm event, in the March 18, 2025, meeting.

According to the staff report, the winter storm event that ran from November 29th to December 1st caused the Town to declare a state of emergency from December 1st until the 16th and resulted in significant operating and capital costs.

The staff report indicates, “The nature and duration of the emergency required an elevated and coordinated response effort beyond the Town’s traditional resources and operational capacity. As a result, the Town incurred substantial unplanned costs to manage the situation effectively and ensure the safety and well-being of residents and travellers.”

Director of Finance/ Treasurer, Wayne Campbell, advised that the event cost the Town $983,721 in recovery efforts.

To recover some of the costs staff recommended the Town seek reimbursement from the Municipal Disaster Recovery Assistance program through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing because they believe the circumstances align with the eligibility criteria.

The report adds that the cost-sharing breakdown is based on the Town’s taxation levy from the latest return in 2023, which was $18,345,936.

The cost sharing formula includes costs up to 3% of the levy, in this case $550,377, which can result in the province paying 75% and the Town pays 25%.

Costs above 3% result in the province paying 95% and the Town paying 5%.

Campbell said in this case the province can potentially pay 83.81% or $824,459, and the Town 16.19% or $159,261.

The report indicates that the financial impact to the Town will depend on the outcome of the claim. It adds, “Securing this funding is essential to mitigating the financial strain and ensuring the Town’s continued ability to provide critical services and maintain infrastructure.”

It continues that the funding received will determine the reserves the Town will utilize for uncovered costs to maintain financial stability.

Campbell reassured Council that staff also has a contingency plan in place should the application be denied.

Mayor, Heidi Lorenz, expressed appreciation for staff efforts.

She added, “We don’t want to see another December begin like this,” and remains hopeful they get the money back.

Campbell said they will submit the application tomorrow and will report back about the results of the process once they receive a formal confirmation of the outcome.