Gravenhurst preparing train station for the return of rail services

Gravenhurst preparing train station for the return of rail services

Posted: 2022-07-13 07:17:34 By: thebay

Upgrades to the train station in Gravenhurst continue, with the hopes of making it a viable option for a business that will be a good fit when railway services are restored.

In the July 12 Gravenhurst Heritage Advisory meeting, Mayor Paul Kelly said, “2024-2025 we should see service. Train service will be back up and running.” 

The station closed its railway services in 2012 due to government cancelling train services. However, according to Premier Doug Ford, “At a time when our government is building up home-grown supply chains that connect resources, industries and workers in the north, with the future of clean steel, electric vehicles and batteries, we’re restoring this vital transportation link. We’re getting it done and bringing passenger rail back to Northeastern Ontario.”

The train station has gone through several hands and changes over the years, from its initial role as a railway station, to businesses such as a café, and bakery. It’s coming full circle, back to a railway station.

The town’s Marketing and Development Committee included the public in a 2020 survey, receiving feedback that supported continuing to proceed with upgrades to maintain this important piece of community heritage.

Upgrades to the facility include the roof, drainage, painting, and other areas that will hopefully be completed over the upcoming months, as the town deals with challenges such as labour, resources, and material. “A project that should take 2-3 months takes 4-5 months,” said Town Clerk, Kayla Thibeault.

The committee intends to have a report available for the public to see the results of the survey.