Gravenhurst Opera House Re-opening After 2 Year Closure

Gravenhurst Opera House Re-opening After 2 Year Closure

Posted: 2022-02-09 08:11:06 By: thebay

The re-opening of the Gravenhurst Opera House, Muskoka’s oldest entertainment tradition begins tomorrow at the box office and the Opera House Trillium Court.

Shawna Patterson, the Interim Director of Recreation, Arts and Culture says “Nothing has been more difficult than to have empty seats in our house, and a dark stage. However, we took this time to do some remarkable renovations and improvements,” she said.
The Opera House’s first show since March 2020, will be taking place on March 26th

Boreal is the amalgamation of three, individually successful singer / songwriters, Tannis Slimmon, Katherine Wheatley, and Angie Nussey.

Find out full show details at