Gravenhurst estimated population growth to 20,400 by 2051

Gravenhurst estimated population growth to 20,400 by 2051

Posted: 2025-02-12 07:24:16 By: thebay

Gravenhurst Council was advised that their population could increase to 20,400 by 2051, in the February 11, 2025, meeting.

Last June the Town hired consultants Strategy Corporation to conduct a Service Delivery Review, which according to CAO, Scott Lucas, has been 10 years since one was completed.

He advised that the review would help them have a better perspective of the municipal landscape and to make changes accordingly. He said, “It helps plan and be proactive with growth” and to make recommendations for quality service delivery regarding future decisions and strategies.

According to the review, the Town grew by 6.1% between 2016 to 2021, with a population of 13,157 in 2021. This exceeds the provincial growth rate of 5.8% and the national rate of 5.2%.

The consultants advised that the Town “is on the right track,” and delivers efficient services overall, however, the demands will change, and the services need to adapt to meet the growth.

The review indicates, “The Town’s organizational structure supports the delivery of core programs and services in alignment with legislative requirements, the expectations of residents and Council and many of it’s approved strategic priorities.” However, challenges include “capacity constraints and outdated processes.”

The review explains that the Town is “stretched” in some areas creating the need for increased capacity or “expertise in this area.” So, it’s important to assess their organizational structure to maintain oversight, advance their priorities, and ensure quality service delivery and “fiscal prudence.”

For instance, the consultants report that the Town’s staffing hasn’t grown in 10 years. They said, “The community has grown but staffing hasn’t,” which can increase pressures on services and infrastructure because of the growth and community priorities.

Recommendations include building capacity through ongoing modernization using “key tools and processes and limited structural realignments.”

The consultants provided a top 10 list for staff to consider “as the Town transitions into a mid-size municipality and the programs and services increase.”

Suggestions included establishing performance indicators, increase capacity in Fire and Emergency Services, develop a standard customer service strategy that can be applied across departments, create a management framework for planning and corporate initiatives, expand enforcement for short term rental licencing, continue to review service delivery demands and operations capacity, and adding 5 new full-time staff positions.

They also recommended collaborating and sharing resources with other municipalities to deal with capacity expansion.

Long-term considerations should include a re-evaluation of the Town’s organizational and departmental structure to accommodate the growth of its programs and service delivery. They can “maximize flexibility and provide guidance and sightlines to support future structural changes and needs,” continues the review.

They added that achieving goals will depend on tools and staffing, such as keeping an eye on departments that need more resources and modernization, which “can build capacity by improving internal operations and processes” with a “work smarter” focus, such as grouping service areas together where possible.

They continued that it’s challenging to track efficiency without having standards for measuring performance, therefore, it’s key to “put in the work now” so they can review the ongoing changes. This becomes the foundation for measuring progress to be able to move forward with meeting quality service levels.

The model is for consideration at this point; however, Lucas expressed the importance that Council “buy in regarding direction” so that staff can plan accordingly.

Staff will review the report and present recommendations for Council to discuss in the future and during budget time.