Gravenhurst Accepting New Applications For The 2022 Community Improvement Plan
Gravenhurst businesses and property owners can now submit their application for the 2022 intake of the Community Improvement Plan.
During the Committee of the Whole meeting on December 21st, 2021, Council passed a by-Law expanding the current Community Improvement Plan to include the Muskoka Wharf and the Bay Street corridor. Properties located within these new areas can apply for any of the available grants offered by the municipality.
The program which assists building and business owners within the downtown core, through several grant programs, helps with the costs of improving the look and viability of the community. So far, the program has contributed over $500,000 in grants and leveraged almost $6.5 million in local investment.
What grant categories can be applied for this year?
- Building Façade Improvement Grant (Main/Front Façade)
- Building Façade Improvement Grant (Rear or Side Wall)
- Downtown Tomorrow Digital Improvement Grant
- Landscaping and Property Improvement Grant
- Patio Grant
- Planning Application Fee and Building Permit Fee Grant
- Structural Improvement Grant
- Signage Improvements Grant
- Residential Conversion/Rehabilitation Grant
“The pandemic has highlighted how important digital improvements can be to small businesses, as well as outdoor dining space for food and drink establishments. The most recent update allows for businesses in the new areas of the expanded CIP to apply for grants to assist with these business needs. Continued investment into this program ensures business and property owners can look for additional support when investing in their locations,” added Jeff Loney, Manager of Economic Development, Marketing and Tourism.
Completed applications must be received before 4:00 PM on Thursday, March 31, 2022.