Bracebridge investments fruitful in 2021
The Town of Bracebridge’s commitment to the ONE Joint Investment Board is proving to be fruitful after learning they had investments grow by 14.1% in 2021.
This translates to $874,095 and since becoming one of the six founding municipalities participating as prudent investors in this joint investment program in 2020, Bracebridge’s investments have grown from $5,610,208 to $6,928,333, or by 23.5%.
“We’ve seen earnings in our investment portfolio skyrocket,” says Mayor Graydon Smith. “This was an opportunity to be a leader and founding partner.” “It’s literally paid dividends. Earning at 14.3% is outstanding.”
ONE JIB now has eight municipalities after two joined in 2021 with combined investments equaling approximately $390.1 million. The joint investment portfolio is managed by ONE Investment.
While its equity content could create year-to-year volatility in returns, Bracebridge’s target investment portfolio at ONE JIB is projected to generate a long-term annual return of 5.1%. The Town’s portfolio is purposefully constructed to preserve capital over a longer term.
Bracebridge’s ONE JIB Investments are in the Canadian Equity Fund, Global Equity Fun, Canadian Government Bond Fund, Canadian Corporate Bond Fund, and Global Bond Fund (ONE JIB).
The Town also earns interest on a cash balance of $13,915,299 (as of December 31, 2021) in various bank accounts. Total interest earnings from the Town’s bank accounts equaled $132,660 for 2021.
In total, investment earnings for 2021 were $1,007,190. Of that, $81,393 has been allocated to obligatory reserves including Development Charges, Canada Community - Building Fund, Parkland Dedication, and others.
“Every dollar earned through our investments is one we don’t have to go to the tax base for,” says Deputy Mayor Don Maloney.