Amber lights now added to school buses

Amber lights now added to school buses

Posted: 2022-09-02 12:50:45 By: thebay

Students will be returning to school next week and the OPP are asking drivers to slow down and to watch for school buses.  

Drivers will also notice a change in the lights on school buses.  The Highway Traffic Act provides for the use of Amber Warning Lights at the top of the bus, along with the Red Stop Lights.  In addition, the wording on the back of the bus now reads “DO NOT PASS WHEN RED LIGHTS FLASHING”. 

Drivers approaching a slowing school bus from the rear with its overhead amber lights flashing need to be extra cautious, slow down and prepare to stop. 

Police remind drivers that you must stop whenever you approach a stopped school bus with its overhead red lights flashing or its stop arm activated, regardless of whether are behind the bus or approaching it from the front.

The OPP would like to take this time to remind motorists to pay close attention when meeting or following a school bus.

Fines for not stopping start at $400 to $2,000 and six demerit points for a first offence with each following offence, $1,000 to $4,000, six demerit points and possible jail time.